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Writer's pictureBelguin Prosper Lumu

"TIME TO STRATEGICALLY MANAGE THE YOUTHS;" The unusual task ahead of Minister Balaam Barugahare.

Belguin Prosper and Balaam Barugahare

The youth of Uganda are the key to achieving the country's vision of improving as a middle-income country. Minister Balaam Barugahare must recognize this and be committed to empowering the youth of Uganda through his strategic vision. The youth of Uganda need to be equipped with the right skills, knowledge, and opportunities to help them become leaders and agents of change.

Uganda's Vision is a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the aspirations and goals for the country's development and progress. Minister Balaam Barugahare, as a dynamic and visionary leader, should play a crucial role in shaping and implementing strategies to achieve this vision. As expected, he should have a rare level of dedication and a strategic approach to make a significant impact on various sectors and drive positive change and growth across Uganda.

Minister Balaam has a task above and beyond what he has been used to. His task now widens as far as spearheading initiatives and innovative approaches that will empower the youth to become strategic partners in the nation's development journey. All youth, not just a certain segment of youth. I know, regarding this, his appointing authority will be watching closely.

The youth, being the future leaders and change-makers of the nation, hold immense power in shaping the trajectory of Uganda's progress.

With their energy, creativity, and adaptability, the youth can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges facing Uganda. By actively involving young people in decision-making processes, policy formulation, and implementation strategies, Uganda can tap into its dynamism and enthusiasm to propel the nation forward.

Minister Balaam needs to help the government realize the impact of investing in education, skills development, and empowerment of the youth as crucial for building a strong foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity.

Whereas several of these youth empowerment programs and efforts exist, Balaam has a much bigger task of getting these programs re-aligned and make sure they are protected from corruption and embezzlement soas to benefit the actual youth who need them. That is when government will meaningfully attempt to be able to win back the hearts of majority of the youth effortlessly.

Minister Balaam needs to help the government realize that the youth are not just beneficiaries of Uganda's Vision but essential partners in its realization. By recognizing and nurturing the talents and aspirations of the youth, Uganda can build a brighter future for generations to come under the visionary leadership of President Museveni.

By investing in the youth and protecting that investment from corruption and embezzlement so that it can benefit the youth that need it, Uganda can harness the potential of its young population and drive sustainable development across various sectors.

key aspects of strategic youth development programs in Uganda include;

  • Ensuring access to quality education and vocational training. By equipping young people with relevant skills and knowledge, they are better prepared to enter the workforce and contribute meaningfully to the economy. Additionally, mentorship and entrepreneurship programs help to foster innovation and creativity among the youth, encouraging them to become future leaders and change-makers in their communities.

  • Promoting inclusivity in youth development initiatives. By addressing social and economic disparities, Uganda can create a more equitable society where every youth has the chance to thrive and reach their full potential.

Minister Balaam needs to not forget that there are several challenges facing youth empowerment in the country that need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of this demographic.

  1. One significant challenge is the lack of access to affordable quality education and vocational training opportunities. Many young people in Uganda do not have the means to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce or start their businesses. This limits their ability to contribute meaningfully to the economy and society.

  2. Unemployment is another major challenge facing Ugandan youth. The job market is highly competitive, and highly discriminative and many young people struggle to find stable and decent-paying employment opportunities. This leads to frustration and disillusionment among the youth population, hindering their ability to achieve their full potential.

  3. Additionally, limited access to corruption-free financial resources and credit facilities makes it difficult for young entrepreneurs to start or expand their businesses. Without dedicated and accountable funding and support, many promising ventures fail to take off or reach their full potential, stifling economic growth and innovation.

  4. Not forgetting, societal attitudes and stereotypes towards youth are also posing a barrier to empowerment. Discrimination based on tribe, gender, and socioeconomic background is limiting opportunities for young people and is perpetuating inequality within the Ugandan youth.

Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from the government through Minister Balaam's office, to create an enabling environment for youth empowerment in Uganda. Minister Balaam needs to realize that the strategic engagement of youth in Uganda's development agenda is not only essential but imperative for long-term success and sustainable growth. Minister Balaam has now been invited to the table of the President, and if he is to not let down the President, he needs to know where the President's focus is - The youths that are not yet aligned with his agenda as the head of state. And, Balaam needs to do something about it, but this time at a strategic level (long-term game level), not the usual mobilization level (one-day event level).


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